Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Strawhat Symbol for Facebook chat !

Spice up your FB chat ! :D
Use Strawhat symbols when chatting with your friends! Just copy paste the codes and watch ! :D










Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

clever or creative?

One day, the teacher walks into her classroom and announces to the class that on each Friday, she will ask a Question to the Class, and anyone who answers correctly, Will not have to go to School the following Monday.
On the first Friday, the teacher asks:
"How many grains of sand are on the beach??"
Needless to say, no one could answer.
The following Friday, the teacher asks the class:
"How many stars are in the sky??" and again no one could answer.
Frustrated, Cirillus Decides that the following Friday, He would somehow answer the question and get a three day weekend.. =D
So Thursday night, Cirillus takes two Ping-pong balls and paints them blue..
The next day, he brings them to school in a paper bag..!!
At the end of the day, just when the teacher says:
"Here's this Week' s Question.."
Cirillus empties the bag to the floor sending the ping-pong balls Rolling to the front of the room.
The teacher asks: "What 's this?"
immediately Cirillus stands up and says:
"Two Blue ping-pong balls, See ya on Tuesday Mam!!" =D

moral : when someone desperate the deadlock problem, ussually there will be a crazy idea for the problem.
so, keep positive thinking and said AAL IZZ WELL !!

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Love Dead

There was a girl and a boy..
girl proposed the boy and boy agreed..
girl always used to say that my heart is not mine its always with you & I am living without heart..

after few month girl said that cant marry him
because her parents are not allow him,but
they’ll be friends 4ever..
after few months girl got married another boy..

after 2 days of her wedding, girl looking her wedding gifts..
she came across a gift & start crying..
the gift was the heart packed in a glass jar with full of blood..
the lid of the jar was attached with the paper..
written on it..
”hey stupid ur heart is with me and than what will you give to your husband?

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

[Love is Universal] Love Story of Barn Swallows

This photo of two birds have been taken in Republic of Ukraine where the bird trying to save his mate. this is the True Love Story that has shocked the millions of people around the world. many people cried after seeing these pictures in America and Europe and even in Asia. It is said that photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee to most famous newspaper in France. All copies of that the newspaper was sold the first day these pictures were published.
And many people think that animals/birds do not have a brain or feelings ?? 

Here, his wife is injured and the condition is fatal. She was hit by a car as she swooped down the road..

This brought food and attended to her with love and compassion.

He brought her food again, but was surprised to find her dead. He tried to move her.. an effort rarely seen, the swallows !

Aware that his beloved fellow has died and he will never see her again, Cries with adoring love..

He stood beside her, sad for her death..
Finally, aware that he would never make her come back, standing next to her body with sadness and pain..

Love Is Universal..

Senin, 16 Januari 2012

30 Days

Cirillus and Cesi are sitting alone in the park one night..
Cirillus : I guess we are the left overs in this world..
Cesi : I think so…All of my friends have boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons left in this world with out any special person in our life..
Cirillus : Yup I don’t know what to do..
Cesi : I know ! We’ll play a game..
Cirillus : What the game..?
Cesi : i’ll be your girl friend for 30 days and you will be my boy friend..

Cirillus : That’s a great plan in fact i don’t have nothing to do much this following weeks..

DAY 1 :
They watch their first movie and they both touched in a romantic film..

DAY 4 :
They went to the beach and have a picnic.. Cirillus and Cesi have their quality time together..

DAY 12 :
Cirillus invited Cesi to a circus and they ride on a Horror House.. Cesi was scared and she touched Cirillus’s hand but she touched someone else’s hand and they both laughed..

DAY 15 :
They saw a fortune teller down the road and they asked for their future advice and the fortune teller said : “My darling, Please don’t waste the time of your lif.. Spend the rest of your time together happily” then tears flow out from the teller’s eyes..

DAY 20 :
Cesi invited Cirillus to go to the hill and they saw a meteor..

Cesi mumbled something..

DAY 28 :
They sat on the bus and because of a bumby road Cesi gave her first kiss to Cirillus by accident..

DAY 29 :
Cesi and Cirillus sat in the park where they first decided to play this game..

Cirillus : I’m tired Cesi.. Do you want any drinks? I’ll buy you one.. I’ll just go down the road..
Cesi : Apple Juice that’s all..
Cirillus : Wait for me..

20mins later.. a stranger approached..
Stranger : Are you a friend of Cirillus?
Cesi : Why yes? What happened?
Stranger : A reckless drunken driver ran over Cirillus and he is critical in the hospital..

The doctor went out of the emergency room and he handed out an apple juice and a letter..
Doctor : We found this in Cirillus’s pocket..
Cesi reads the letter and it says :
Cesi, this past few days, i realized you are a really cute girl and i am really falling for you.. Your cherish smile your everything when we played this game.. Before this game would end.. I would like you to be my girl friend for the rest of my life..
I love you Cesi….
Cesi crumples the paper and shouted :
“Cirillus ! i don’t want you to die.. I love you.. Remember that night when we saw a meteor, I mumbled something.. I mumbled that I wish we would be together forever and never end this game. Please don’t leave me Cirillus..
I love you! You cant do this to me !”
Then the clock strikes 12
Cirillus’s heart stop pumping..



We stare at a happy couple in public n feel a pain of loneliness..
We spend sleepless nights thinking about the one we loved n lost..
We cry into our pillows till our tears are drained..

If someone asks us.. 'Why are you Sad?
We just reply.. 'I am Fine Just a little headache..' with a fake smile..

Our heart skips a beat when we see the ones loved even though they left us..
Everyone in life go through this period of pain and loneliness..

Wat does this part of life really teaches us..??
The lesson is very simple –                 

Love moulds us into a mature and a sensible hard person..!!

What is Love?

What is Love..?

In math, an equation..
In history, a war..
In chemistry, a reaction..
In art, a heart


In me, It's You !! :)